What is Neurofeedback?

Brain Mapping (qEEG)

Your brainwave patterns are unique and establishing a baseline brain map measuring them is the first step toward building your customized training program. The QEEG measures brainwave activity and records levels for 19 specific areas of the brain that represent various cognitive functions.

First used in 1924, the QEEG is an effective, powerful tool allowing us to understand brain function on a deeper level. The results allow Tiffany to create a fully personalized care program for you or your loved one.  

A cap outfitted with sensors is placed upon the scalp while the client's eyes are open and closed for a period time to acquire a comprehensive baseline measurement. The data generated is recorded and analyzed, then cross-referenced with an extensive database of other maps to give us the most accurate picture of your brainwave activity.

Neurofeedback Training

Neurofeedback training, also referred to as EEG Biofeedback or Neurotherapy, uses a natural means of re-training brainwave activity known as “operant conditioning”. This is a fully natural learning activity that we all use every day when learning a new skill or activity.

In a neurofeedback session, we place two small sensors on the scalp to monitor brainwave activity in real time. These sensors provide a constant flow of information on how the brain is working. The patient gets to sit back, relax and watch a movie!

A typical training session is 30 minutes long. While you watch the video, our equipment will be providing feedback based on your brainwave activity. For example, if you lose focus, this is related to an excess of Delta brainwave activity. When that happens, the movie dims, bringing your brain back to focus on the movie.

This happens many times in a normal session. With time, your brain creates new, more efficient neural connections that allow the movie to stay in focus better. The result – better focus and concentration in the real world.

Whether it`s panic attacks, anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, autism or any other brain-based condition, neurofeedback can offer a solution using this natural, effective approach.

Think about it this way – when you first tried to swim, or ride a bike, you had to practice it repeatedly to learn how to do it correctly. With practice and repetition, you soon found yourself riding or swimming with ease. That’s an everyday example of how neurofeedback works.  

The results can last a lifetime.

As with any skill such as swimming, once you learn how, the ability remains present for you to call on when you need it. Neurofeedback training produces the same long-lasting change in your brainwave activity. Even better, since it`s a natural learning activity, there are no side effects. Click here for International Society of Neurofeedback and Research’s video on Neurofeedback.

Neurofeedback Home Training

Home training can be a cost effective and less time-consuming solution compared to in office sessions. Home training allows you to complete training in a much shorter time frame. If clients come once a week for in office sessions, they are typically with me for 6-9 months on average. With home training, it is possible to complete Neurofeedback training in 8-14 weeks.

Thanks to modern technology, I can monitor, manage and adjust training sessions via the internet. I continue to support and guide clients through their home training experience. The client’s well being is my main concern, and I am available to support each client through the home training process. Home training can be a great solution for some, but for others office training is a better fit. I encourage clients to think through their options and ask questions to make a decision that best fits their needs.

Heart Rate Variability (HRV)

HRV is one type of biofeedback, where the individual learns to alter their heart rate via breathing to improve self regulation and functioning. During the training, a sensor detecting the heart beat is placed on the ear or finger. The times between the heart beats are being calculated (coherence). When the coherence is high, the individual receives a visual and audio reward in real time.

Physiology of HRV: HRV stimulates the vagus nerve which is connected to the brain stem and helps the brain to switch from fight or flight mode to relax mode. The brain stem is connected to the limbic system which helps the limbic system to calm.

At A Brighter Mind, every new client relationship begins with an initial consultation with our board-certified clinician Tiffany Cagle-Schrift at no charge to the client.

Schedule your free consultation!